a module of
Java Structure Viewer
© Steffen Weber 1998


see also JSV1.07
The Java Structure Viewer JSV supports PostScript output or direct printing (for WINDOWS) as well as VRML output, GIF and JPG output. It also calculates the Xray diffraction intensities from the asymmetric unit cell data. The Diffraction Viewer module XRDL allows the 3D/2D display of the calculated diffraction pattern.

New: WinWULFF ...

JWulff - stereographic projections
(standalone application)

requires the java interpreter JDK1.2 by ©Sun Microsystems

This program is also included in the JSV package.

This program is here available as a separate release although I created it as a module of JSV. It comes as a JAR file, which you have to download and extract on your hard disk. This program has many improvements over my DOS program or Java applet. This is a stand-alone Java application. It does not run within a webbrowser but needs a Java interpreter to be installed, which can be downloaded from http://www.javasoft.com .(JDK1.2).

JWulff runs under Windows, UNIX and MacOS. It produces GIF and POSTSCRIPT output. You should install the free software GHOSTVIEW with GHOSTSCRIPT to be able to view and print the PostScript files.


Main Features

  • requires JDK1.2
  • generate hkl or import hkl list
  • plot poles (hkl) or zone axes [uvw]
  • give orientation vector [uvw] or (hkl)
  • real time rotation using phi/rho sliders
  • zoom and drag Wulff net
  • measure angles by clicking at two poles
  • colors may be changed using a color picker (settings are saved in JSTEREOGRAM.cfg)
  • indices may be switched on/off
  • select upper/lower/both hemispheres for display
  • double-click a pole to put it into the text field as a new orientation vector (then click the text field and hit ENTER)
  • output of PostSript and GIF (GIF routine by Jef Poskanzer, www.acme.com)
  • direct printing support under Windows/Solaris (raster image)
  • SWING user interface


How to get jwulff.jar

1.  download from NETSCAPE
PRESS  [SHIFT] and CLICK HERE here to download jwulff.jar
2. download from Microsoft Internet Explorer
Right Mouse Click here and choose "Save Target As.." to download jwulff.jar
3. download a ZIP file
Right Mouse Click here and choose "Save Target As.." to download jwulff.zip



1 download the file jwulff.jar (this is a JAR file,  Java's own compression format similar to TAR for UNIX)


put it in a directory on your hard disk

3 execute "jar  xvf  jwulff.jar"  from a DOS prompt, if you use Windows (you need to have JDK1.2 on your machine for the "jar" tool) This will create the directory JWULFF and a subdirectory for this html file.
4 then read the README file for more information or execute jwulff.bat

Mac users: Use CURSOR KEYS to move the Wulff net around, since you do not have a right mouse button.      


File format for imported hkl data

An import file with hkl data may look like this:

integer hkl

5.2 5.2 8.3 90 90 120
 0  0 -2 
 0  0  2 
-3  2 -2  
 3 -1  2  
 0  0  0
or with non-integer hkl 
(might be useful for quasicrystals) 
5 5 5  90 90 90
1   1.618   2
1.1 2.345   6.7
0 0 0
However, the labels (Strings) that will be 
displayed on-screen are always integers
even if you import floating point hkl !!! 

1.line: a b c [Angstroem] alpha beta gamma [deg] !!!

data: h k l

Note: The last entry has to be "0 0 0" as a marker for the end of the data block !


Screen Shots


1) example: fit to screen, indices off


2) example: zoomed area , indices on